TANAKA WORKS - S&W M36 Chief Special 3inch HW Ver.2 (Gas Revolver) Voir en plus grand
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TANAKA WORKS - S&W M36 Chief Special 3inch HW Ver.2 (Gas Revolver)


Fabricant : Tanaka Works

État: Neuf

Disponibilité : disponible sur commande [?]

TANAKA WORKS - S&W M36 Chief Special 3inch HW Ver.2 (Gas Revolver) (System : Pegasus Gas Revolver)

31 350 Yen

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Fiche technique


A variation model of the Chiefs Special that was announced in 1950 and then given the name "Model 36". The 3-inch version, which was in high demand due to its ease of handling, quickly entered the catalog and was well received. This 3-inch model, which has many fans, is now available as a Ver.2 gas gun with smooth operation and realistic engravings.

Calibre6mm BB
Mode de propulsionGaz / HFC134a
Longueur185 mm
Poids450 g
Capacité10 bbs
PuissanceConformément à la législation en vigueur au Japon, cette réplique développe une puissance inférieure à 0.98 joules. (puissance exacte non communiquée par le fabricant)

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