

All prices displayed on Impulse101 website are in Japanese YEN (JPY). You can check your order through PayPal with a Paypal account or using a credit card.

Currency converter

All prices displayed on Impulse101 website are in Japanese YEN (JPY). You can check your order through PayPal with a Paypal account or using a credit card. displays a currency converter. It allows you to see the displayed Japanese YEN (JPY) prices converted into EURO or US DOLLAR. The currency exchange rate is updated at least once a day. The rate information comes from a Prestashop module.

 The converter exchange rate may be different from the rate used by your payment method (ej.: Paypal uses its own exchange rate that includes exchange rate fee).

The rate conversion on is displayed for information purposes only. Prices displayed in a currency which is not Japanese YEN (JPY) are not contractual.


Paypal transfer fee are customers' responsability. The fee/surchage will figure on the quote. All transactions are handled by Paypal, we do not store any information about your credit card. For more information about the PayPal payment system, please visit the following link:

Bank transfer through WISE (

Bank transfers can be done through the online service WISE. Once your order placed you will receive all the information that explains how to complete your payment step by step.
If your payment is not completed with 5 working days your order will be canceled.
The payment will be accepted only when your order is 100% sure to be fulfilled (stocks are checked prior receiving your payment on our account). If the order cannot be prepared (products our of sock / discontinued) then we will refuse the payment.